Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bath Time!

Yesterday Mattie discovered a bath robe and matching towel set in the nursery, with tags still attached. We figured we better use it before it's too late!

I Love My Baby Girl!

Have I mentioned how much I love this baby girl?

Double Birthday at the Gaylord Palms

Happy birthday, dear Mattie and Carter! We celebrated with a weekend getaway at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando. I think the pictures tell all, that fun was had by us all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pizzacato Polka


Love this...just had to post it.

6 Months Old!

"Baby" is growing up waaaaaay tooooooo fasssssssst!

Recital 2010

Mattie was perfection on stage and a joy to watch...way to go, my little ballerina girl! You took my breath away, just as you did the day you were born. Live...Love...DANCE!!!

My Four Munchkins

11, 9, 7 and 6 months...summer break is finally here!

Monday, June 7, 2010

A "Picture" Perfect Picnic

Yesterday was "recital picture day" at the studio. We arrived at the studio before 10am and didn't leave until after 5. It was a long day, but the kids were troopers. The baby had a small explosive accident in her cute outfit, so Mattie allowed her to borrow her Aeropostale tee. Too cute!

Meanwhile, the boys built a fort with tumbling mats and were perfect little gentlemen the entire day. Mattie posed beautifully, as usual.


That's her name. It just fits.

(Just kidding, but it does fit.)

First Beach Day!

We had fun taking "her" to the beach last weekend...she slept peacefully underneath the umbrella most of the time. The kids had fun collecting sand fleas.